
Friday, September 3, 2010

It all started with “Say Yes to the Dress”…

So tonight the girls of Del 206 decided to watch “Say Yes to the Dress.” And through a thought process which I don’t even remember anymore, we ended up designing our perfect engagement rings and wedding dresses.
Yep, apparently we’re teenage girls again.
Either way, we had fun spending our Friday night this way (followed with some more college-appropriate activities later…).
Guess who’s who!
Hint: Hair/skin colors are not always an exact representation, sorry.
Roommate #1
erin's ring
erin's dress
Roommate #2
 emily's ringemily's dress
Roommate # 3
  sarah's dress
Roommate #4
alyssa's ring real
alyssa's dress
If you can correctly guess two or more, you get a gold star!


Brent said...

Roommate #1- Sarah
Roommate #2- Emily
Roommate #3- Erin
Roommate #4- Alyssa

Do I get a gold star?

A-Ram said...

Uh... you guys know that the filenames for the pictures have your names, right? ;)

Anonymous said...

Yeah, we realized that. But by that point we'd gotten over our boredom/tlc-enduced whatnot and were doing more expected things, ha.